Are you currently preparing an older home for sale? With newer homes on the market, some older home owners are out-gunned. If this is the case, there are a few things you can do in order to prepare an older home for sale. These tips put you on level ground with more attractive newer homes for sale.
#1: Create a Detailed Checklist of Repair Items
The first step in preparing any older home for resale is to make a detailed checklist of items and areas that need to be repaired or upgraded in order to entice any home buyer. A smart idea is to visit a newer home for sale that is available for an open house to see what features and quality of interior items they have in each room. Once you compare the two, make a list of items that you should repair and upgrade.
Some of these items include:
- Repainting the walls in each room to match decor
- Installing new carpet that will create a homey look and feel
- Refinishing cabinets so they are fresh and look appealing
These three main repair items are critical when you’re trying to compare your older home to a newer property.
#2: Improving the Landscaping
Another common area where older homes have to compete against newer properties is with the landscaping in both front and back yards. They say that first impressions are vitally important to the sale of any property. And the first area to make an impression on any new home buyer is the condition of the landscaping outside. Here are a few items you should consider fixing in regards to the condition of your yard:
- Replant grass seed or have new sod installed. Nothing looks better to a new home buyer than brand new, freshly cut grass in the front yard.
- Plant some colorful flowers and plants.
- Repaint any fences or exterior features that are not in perfect condition.
#3: Clean Up the Garage
The next important step for improving an older home includes cleaning up and organizing garage and storage areas. Many people would rather have their teeth pulled than spend time organizing their storage areas. But most agents claim that a clean and organized garage tells the buyers that you take pride in your home. This indicates a property most likely in great condition.
As you can see, quite a few things help older homes competing for sale with newer homes on the market. However, for those who are not interested in spending this much effort to potentially attract older home buyers, a smart alternative is to seek out home investment companies who pay top dollar for all types of properties – regardless of age or condition. This process offers you fast, legal, affordable and easy sales of homes and takes out the middleman or stress involved with traditional home sales.
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