72. How To Buy Your Next House Without an Agent in Walpole MA!

We buy houses in Walpole MA

We buy houses in Walpole MA and one way to buy a property is to go directly to the source. Many people don’t do this, only to find themselves ultimately paying the commission and other costs of working with an agent. You CAN buy a home without an agent. We are homebuyers in Walpole MA that offers cash for houses in Walpole Massachusetts and we will provide tips to help you save money by buying your next house without an agent in our latest post. So keep reading!

By purchasing a home directly from a seller, you cut out all of the fees and costs of having a middle-man involved. That said, buying a home can be a complicated process, so knowing what you are doing is a must. Some agents can be very helpful when buying a property, but in other situations, it is much more economical to do it on your own. Here are just a few things to consider to get you started!

Run The Comps In Massachusetts

Run The Comps In Walpole MassachusettsIf you were to hire an agent, they would be able to provide you with information about local homes currently on the market as well as ones that have recently sold. This will help you to determine what you should pay for a home in the area. Take your time and do your research. Look at what the market is doing before you agree to buy a house.

Set Boundaries In Walpole MA

Before home shopping, make a list of the things you need, the things you want, and the things you absolutely won’t deal with. Set your maximum price and stick with it. People can find themselves buying with emotion, only to be stuck with buyers’ remorse down the road. Don’t get in a situation where you find yourself overpaying for a home. There will be nobody to stop you from making an offer on a property that is too high, so you need to be able to keep yourself in check! When looking at homes, make sure all of the items on your list are checked off!

Get Pre-Approved In Walpole

If you are planning to use financing when you make your offer on a Walpole MA house, make sure you are pre-approved ahead of time. Sellers want to know that you can follow through on what you offer. By having your pre-approval in writing, they can see you have the funds to follow through. If you decide to purchase a home in Walpole MA without an agent, make sure you have everything organized and together in order to be taken seriously by the seller.

Look At Many MA Properties

Look At Many Walpole MA PropertiesThe beauty of working with an agent is that they will have the ability to show you all sorts of properties, sometimes ones you might not have considered on your own. Take the time to look at several houses. Don’t limit yourself to buying one of the first ones you see. However, when you truly believe you have found the right home, don’t hesitate to make your offer either. There could be others looking at the property as well, likely working with an agent who will be able to get their offer seen right away.

Include Massachusetts Contingencies

When you make an offer on a house, it is wise to have a way out should something go wrong. When you make an offer on a property, make sure that it is contingent on the property passing inspection. You don’t want to agree to buy a house, only to find something is majorly wrong after the inspection.

Inspection In Walpole Massachusetts

Whenever you buy a property, you should always have a thorough inspection done on the property. By paying a few hundred dollars to a professional, you can save yourself thousands in repair costs in the long run. You should never buy a home without having it fully inspected first.

Talk To A Walpole Lawyer

Talk To A Walpole MA LawyerBefore signing on the dotted line, contact a lawyer to make sure everything is on the up and up with the purchase. Have them review the contract, warranty and title history. Spending a couple of hours with a lawyer is going to be less expensive than paying a 6% commission to an agent and can save you from buying a property that isn’t right for you.

Sell My House In Walpole MA

Are you ready to buy a property in Walpole MA without an agent? We can help! We are Walpole MA home buyers and we offer a wide range of services to investors who need to buy properties in the Revere MA area. The process of buying a home is the same as when you sell your house in Walpole MA directly and we can help you run the numbers so you can make the buying decision that is right for you.

Are you interested in buying a house in Walpole MA without using an agent? We can help! Send us a message or give our team a call now! (508) 247-0055