How to Make Sure Your Contractor is Insured in Massachusetts

You’ve wanted to renovate your cramped, outdated kitchen for ages. Or perhaps you are deciding between staying in your home after major damages or selling and walking away from some potential pricey repairs. Like many, asking around among friends and co-workers may initially help find and hire a contractor, but making sure your contractor is … Continued

6 Smart Tips to Help You Sell a Damaged Home in Massachusetts

A damaged home in Massachusetts can be a nightmare to sell. Most buyers are not interested when there is visible damage on a listing, preferring homes ready for immediate occupancy. However, if they have the time, inclination, and finances to take on a project, some buyers may take a chance and toss an insultingly low … Continued

Can A House Be Sold While In Probate In Massachusetts?

Selling a home can be complex, and it becomes even more complicated when there are unpaid property taxes attached to the property. Many homeowners wonder whether they can sell their property if they owe back taxes and what steps are required to make the sale successful. Fortunately, the answer is yes—it is possible to sell … Continued